Thursday, June 24, 2010

Getting Antsy....

I am soooo ready to get my class put together for next year. I think I have compiled all of my materials and I just can't wait to get into the classroom to pull the whole thing together. Over the past few days, I have been traveling throughout Tampa to find some great deals on Patriotic themed materials. I went from store to store and found some really AWESOME classroom supplies. I wish I could go up to school tomorrow and have the whole classroom setup for next year. I find myself thinking about next year every free second I have throughout the day. I have so many ideas that I am sure I will forget some of them! I have even begun making a running list of ideas whenever they pop into my head, in hopes that I can remember them all. Next year can't come soon enough. Correction, I would like to enjoy summer! But once it's over, I am ready to get back into another great year at Gorrie!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Glimpse Into Last Year...

So, I am sitting here thinking about ideas for next year. As I flipped through my pictures on my computer, I stopped at pictures of my classroom from last year that I took on the day of Meet The Teacher. Here are a few shots of my third grade classroom before the students arrived.
I enjoy finding a theme to use for decorating and organizing the classroom. Last year, I went for a colorful and wacky, "Mr. Catania's Carnival" Theme. The kids found it to be fun and I felt that it helped bring life and energy to the normally plain and boring white walls. I enjoyed compiling ideas that revolved around my carnival theme, such as "The Reading Booth" (classroom library), "The Behavior Booth" (classroom management), " The Tilt-A-Word Wall" (word wall) and my "Raffle Jar". When students behaved well, they would randomly receive a raffle ticket that was filled out with their names and placed in a jar on my desk. On Fridays, after our "Star Students" were chosen, I picked a few names from the raffle jar. These students won the opportunity to take a trip to the Treasure Box. The kids enjoyed the idea of the raffle jar and were always looking for ways to gain an extra ticket.

For next year, I am highly interested in doing an "American/ U.S.A. Theme." I figured with our fifth grade curriculum here in Florida being so heavily based in Social Studies, more specifically U.S. History, it is more than appropriate. I have already been tossing around some ideas as to what my theme will encompass and I can't wait for the 4th of July sales to start in a few weeks, so I can begin compiling all of my supplies and materials.

Here are just some ideas I had in mind:
1. The classroom library can be renamed The Library Of Congress
2. My "Star Students" will now be called "All-American Students"
3. Table groups can be named using Patriotic terms (i.e. Team Freedom, Team Liberty, Team Justice, etc.)
4. I will be the President of the Class and my job chart will include titles such as Vice President (teacher asst/ quiet capt.), Secretary of State (line leader), Department of Recreation (equipment manager), etc.
5. I will be reusing one of my fabrics from last year (the red and white striped) and will also be purchasing navy fabric for the other bulletin boards I have.
6. I also found a "Reading Across America" idea that involves having the students collectively read to a set goal. Each page they read is equivalent to a mile traveled from one end of the United States to another. I thought maybe I could have a map of the U.S. and each week, we update how many pages the students read for that week. Our goal is to make it to the other side of the U.S. We would obviously need to set a reward for completing the task.
7. I was also thinking of incorporating a class store to tie into our economy unit
8. STAR= Skills to Teach Academic Responsibility or PATRIOT= Prepared Assignments, Tools Ready, Information Organized Today
Theme binders to store all of their important assignments, notes, information, etc.
9. Our classroom rules will be renamed, "The Catania Constitution" or "Mr. Catania's Bill of Rights". These will be recorded on a scroll type poster board and signed by each student.

Any other ideas out there? I'd be happy to hear them!

Summer Begins...

Welcome Summer! My first year has just come to an end and I enjoyed every minute of it. The year was filled with ups and downs and everything in between. I was blessed to have been offered a job at a wonderful school, surrounded by a great staff, AMAZING teammates and a supportive community. The past year was a huge learning experience for me and I am looking forward to a new year with a new group of kids. This year has just ended and I have already moved on to thinking about next year. I have my new room assignment in a new grade (fifth) and I am ready to begin planning for next year. While I will miss my third grade team, I am excited to see what fifth grade will bring. I thought I would start off my preparations for next year by creating this blog that I can use to communicate to my students, their families and other educators. I look forward to posting updates throughout the summer, as I prepare for the 2010-2011 school year!