5th From A to Z

Absences/ Attendance: If you know your child is going to be out, please let us know by calling Gorrie at (813) 276- 5673. Please send a note with your child when he/she returns to school explaining the absence. Family vacations are not considered excused absences.

Arrival: Students may arrive any time after 7:30am, although the day does not officially start until 8:00am. I suggest arriving no later than 7:50am to ensure students have adequate time to get unpacked and prepared for the day.

Behavior:   If a student is not following a direction, they will be asked to fill out a Conduct Slip. If they sign three times within one grading period, they will be asked to stay after school to attend detention. If the student is unprepared for class (i.e. missing hw, materials, etc) they will sign a Missing Assignment Slip. After three signatures for being unprepared, students must fill a study hall after school.

Birthdays: We love celebrating student birthdays each month and we really enjoy the delicious treats that are often shared! However, I would ask that you please plan for the children to enjoy the treats during our scheduled lunch period as to not interrupt instructional time in the classroom. Also, please do not send birthday invitations to be distributed at school unless all children in our class receive an invitation. Thanks!

Biz Town: J.A. Biz Town is a field trip the fifth grade students attend each year. It is the culmination of an economics unit where students apply for "real-world" jobs and learn how to run businesses and manage their finances. More information to come.

Book Orders: Just about once a month, a book order will be sent home from Scholastic. This is a great way to purchase books inexpensively, while helping our class earn points towards other classroom items! These items can be purchased online. Look for more information accompanying the first Scholastic order.

Breakfast: Free breakfast is provided by our wonderful cafeteria staff each morning for EVERY student at Gorrie! If your child would like to enjoy breakfast before school, please have them arrive to the cafeteria by 7:45am.

Class Blog: For the most up- to- date information regarding our class, schedules, homework, and more, please visit our class website at:

Communication: Feel free to contact me with any question, concern, or comment that you have. I am always available by email at nicholas.catania@sdhc.k12.fl.us or you can send in a note with your child. 

Conferences: Conferences are held during the first quarter and if needed, during the third quarter as well. In addition, every student will lead their own conference during the fourth quarter. A Conference Calendar will be sent out with more information as we get closer to those dates. I am also available to conference throughout the year as needed, however, we will need to schedule a time that works for both of our schedules.

Co-Teach: Co-teaching is a method of teaching being implemented throughout Gorrie this year. Co- teaching is an organizational and instructional arrangement in which two or more teachers work within the same classroom. It requires teachers to share, cooperate, and agree on methods of instruction. We are excited to implement this method in fifth grade this year!

Detention/ Study Hall: Detentions and Study Halls are served on Wednesdays after school for either 30 minutes or an hour. Please make proper arrangements for your child to be picked up after they serve their designated time. 

Dismissal: Bus riders are dismissed at 2:10pm, while car riders/walkers are dismissed at 2:15pm. If there are any changes to your child's transportation, a note from home is required at school by 8:00 am.

Early Release: Early release days will take place on Mondays this year. Students will be dismissed at 1:15pm. 

Emergency Cards: These should be on file in the Main Office. If you have any change of information (i.e. address, phone number, etc.) please inform both the office and I. 

Field Trips: We will be taking two field trips this year in the fifth grade. As those trips approach, more information will be provided.

Grading: Students are assessed using a five letter grade system. Grades students may receive are: A, B, C, N, and U. These grades are based on their performance in math, science, reading, writing, and social studies, as well as the special areas (music, art, P.E.)

Gorrie Green Team: Ms. Stetekluh and Ms. Melius run our Green Team that helps keep the Earth clean by recycling each week.

Homework: Each week, students will copy down their homework into their planners. The assignments will also be posted on teacher websites. 

Incentives: Throughout the year, students will be offered incentives to help motivate them to succeed. Ask your child about our Read Across America Program, Read and Feed and Lunch Bunch!

Integrated Approach: An integrated approach is used to enhance all areas of the curriculum. For example, children use their reading and writing skills as they learn about science concepts.

Jobs: Students will have the opportunity to apply for jobs every four weeks. Once they are hired, they will be in charge of performing the duties of that job each day. If the responsibilities are not fulfilled,  the student will lose their job privileges and a new student will be hired for that job.

Keep Up: Be sure to keep up- to -date by always checking the website, emails, and notices sent home with your child.

Lunch: Students will have lunch each day at 12:25. Please send your child in with lunch money or use the online system for depositing money into your child's lunch account. 

Making Good Choices: Encourage your child to make good choices each by thinking before they act. At school, they can use our Class Constitution and Student Handbook to ensure they are making a good choice.

No School: Check out our Announcements Page for upcoming days off.

Open House: Open House will take place in September. More information will be sent home in the upcoming weeks.

P.E.: Students should wear sneakers on P.E. days. Please check our class schedule for our assigned P.E. days.

Questions: Show your child that you are interested in what they are learning at school. Ask them questions about what they are learning and take an interest in their academic achievements. Try to ask specific questions about projects/ topics they are working on at school. Most will enjoy others taking interest in their work.

Report Cards: Report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine weeks.

Schedule: Please refer to the Schedule Page on this website to view our daily schedule.

Supplies: A supply list was mailed to you during the summer to indicate the items a fifth grader needs in class. Please help your child be prepared each day with these essential items. 

Snack: If you would like to provide the class with a light and simple snack, please let me know by shooting me an email or sending in a quick note.

Tardies: If your child arrives late to school (after the 8:00am bell), a parent or guardian is required to walk him/her to the office to sign them in. This rule is in place to ensure your child's safety at school.

Transportation: Please send in a note if your child's transportation changes from the usual manner. ALL CHANGES MUST BE COMMUNICATED IN WRITING! Please do not send an email or fax, a note from home is required at school by 8:00 am.

Universal: All fifth grade students have the opportunity to earn the right to attend our end of the year filed trip to Universal Studios in Orlando. The fifth grade teachers have the right to deny a student the ability to attend if they are not following directions throughout the year. Based on the number of detentions/ study halls served, students may not be allowed to attend our end of the year trip.

Visitors/Volunteers: Visitors and volunteers are always welcomed in my classroom. Many opportunities are provided to allow for your involvement in our learning. Feel free to see me about an idea or activity you would like to facilitate in our classroom. Be on the look out for more information on sign-ups for future events. 

Water Bottles: Students are encouraged to bring REUSABLE water bottles to school each day. Please encourage your child to drink plenty of water and to bring their water bottle home regularly (at least once a week) to wash it. 

Wish List:  We are always in need of materials to make our class the best it can be! Some things that can always use replenishing are dry erase markers, colored copy paper, and gently used games for indoor recess. If you are interested in donating something not listed, please contact me to let me know. Thanks!

eXtra Special:  Every student in my class is extra special in their own ways. I look forward to learning more about them and spending the year growing together. 

You: You are a very important part of your child's education. You can help by checking your child's book bag and planner each day, attending conferences, staying involved in what they are doing at school and volunteering to help out at planned events throughout the year.

Zzz...: Your child should always be getting a good night's sleep before each school day. Please be sure your child gets adequate sleep each night to promote a productive day at school!

I am looking forward to a fun-filled, learning packed year with your child. Thanks for your help and support in making this a successful year!

Mr. Catania