Thursday, October 2, 2014

Walk-A-Thon 2014

The Gorrie Walk-A-Thon is quickly approaching and we would love for everyone to be registered online. Even if you have no plan of raising funds, the organizers will use the sign up info to order your child's FREE t-shirt. Without registering for our class team, your child will NOT received a t-shirt. If you haven't done so already, please at the very least, register your child so they can be included in our fundraising process. Our team goal is $800 and we are already on our way to reaching it! Please help us make this Walk-A-Thon a HUGE success! Thanks in advance and please do not hesitate to email me with any questions you may have. Use the link below to register your child TODAY! it's as easy as 1.....2....3 Thanks!


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