Friday, August 24, 2012

One Week Down!

The first week of school is OVER and it was a FANTASTIC start to the new school year. We went over procedures, got to know each other, and began working on the fifth grade curriculum. This Monday, we will begin switching classes for Math/Science/Reading/Writing, and students need to be ready and unpacked by 8:00am, when classes begin. In order to ensure that students have the maximum time learning in class, please help the students get to school on time. Below, are pictures of one of the activities we worked on during the first day of school. I posted questions to the students and asked them to answer the questions on sticky notes. By the end, I was able to learn TONS about how they learn best, their goals for the year and what they expect of the classroom environment. I am SO looking forward to this year and getting to know each of my students! Have a great weekend and I hope to see you all next week (even if Isaac and the RNC try to keep us away!).

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