Monday, November 14, 2011

A Great New Website...

It's Pinterest! By visiting you will find a great new addition to your already growing set of resources. This site is not necessarily a teaching/educational resource as much as it is a bookmarking/organization resource. This AWESOME site allows users (anyone with a valid email address) to basically "bookmark" or save favorite sites and images to different "pin boards." I would compare pin boards to a virtual file folder or clip board where you can organize your different sites into varying categories. Common pin board categories include: Recipes, For the Home, School, Crafts, Family, etc. I have been on the site, "pinning" tons and tons of new resources. I find this site to be very user friendly and the best part is, when you pin a website, it saves to your account NOT YOUR COMPUTER. This means, I can access my favorite websites/images from any computer with an internet connection. How awesome is that? Please go check out this site and let me hear your feedback on the pros and cons.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Wow! The Walk-A-Thon was a great success. With the help of our wonderful students and families, Gorrie CRUSHED our goal of $25,000 by raising over $30,000 this year! The monies raised with go towards making Gorrie an even more amazing school than it already is! I wanted to give a special thanks to Melissa Borchard for organizing the event and putting hours and hours of her time in to making it a great day! Also, Cynthia Heil and Pat Ashby for taking time out of their schedules to come in and create our class banner with the kids. Pat also helped get our Little Buddies banner put together as well. I really appreciate our help and support throughout the year!
The weather held up and the kids had a very nice day. Here are some of the pictures I was able to snap.