Friday, July 23, 2010

Classroom Update

So, in the past few weeks, I have been attending professional development trainings and was able to squeeze in a few hours to work on my classroom. Although the pictures really cannot show, I was able to get tons of things done off of what seems to be an endless list of things to do. I organized some of my cabinets, started figuring out a possible setup for my desks (not sure if I'm sold yet..feel free to leave comments) and tried to visualize where I would like to hang things on my walls. Next week, I have a four-day training, Project Learn, from Mon- Thurs and then I am done for the summer! It is crazy how fast summer has flown by!


  1. I am so jealous of how many people I know out in the blogosphere who can get into their classrooms over the summer. We can't access them at all from 4 days after school ends for students until about 2 weeks before school begins!

  2. Hey there! I was going to respond to your comment on my blog there, but I wasn't sure if you would be checking back. I response to the soda flats I would try calling a local liquor store or a gas station/711 type of place that stocks coolers frequently. Copy paper box lids work well too. Have a great weekend!

  3. I love the idea of the copy paper lids...let the hunt begin!
