Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Biztown Field Trip

“Our favorite part of BizTown was advertising our raffle and products.  We also liked how we could go to different businesses and buy actual goods and services.”
– Tampa Bay Rays

“Our favorite part of BizTown was being able to feel like an adult in the real world.  We also enjoyed the idea that we were learning while still participating in a fun activity.” – Bank of America

“Our favorite part in JA BizTown was running the Hospital.  We also enjoyed cooperating with our peers.” – Florida Hospital

“In our business, our favorite part of BizTown was at the end when we realized that we had made more than enough money.  We also enjoyed walking around and buying stuff with the money we had earned.” – TECO

On Friday March 6th, 2015 the entire 5th grade class at Gorrie Elementary School visited JA BizTown.  BizTown is a simulation town that is designed to teach children basic economic skills.  It was a chance for the students to get a taste of the “real world.”  Each class was assigned various businesses that they would need to run while we were visiting BizTown.  Our class was assigned to run the Florida Hospital, Tampa Bay Electric Company (TECO), Bank of America and the Tampa Bay Rays.  Students were ecstatic when they found out what business they were assigned and what role they would play in their business.  The students did a phenomenal job following directions, balancing their checkbooks, using their debit cards and performing their duties throughout the day.  We could not have had a more rewarding experience and greatly appreciate the help of the parents and the JA BizTown Staff.  Gorrie cannot wait to visit BizTown again! Bring on MINI MALL!

-Ms. Ferguson

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