Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Biztown Field Trip

“Our favorite part of BizTown was advertising our raffle and products.  We also liked how we could go to different businesses and buy actual goods and services.”
– Tampa Bay Rays

“Our favorite part of BizTown was being able to feel like an adult in the real world.  We also enjoyed the idea that we were learning while still participating in a fun activity.” – Bank of America

“Our favorite part in JA BizTown was running the Hospital.  We also enjoyed cooperating with our peers.” – Florida Hospital

“In our business, our favorite part of BizTown was at the end when we realized that we had made more than enough money.  We also enjoyed walking around and buying stuff with the money we had earned.” – TECO

On Friday March 6th, 2015 the entire 5th grade class at Gorrie Elementary School visited JA BizTown.  BizTown is a simulation town that is designed to teach children basic economic skills.  It was a chance for the students to get a taste of the “real world.”  Each class was assigned various businesses that they would need to run while we were visiting BizTown.  Our class was assigned to run the Florida Hospital, Tampa Bay Electric Company (TECO), Bank of America and the Tampa Bay Rays.  Students were ecstatic when they found out what business they were assigned and what role they would play in their business.  The students did a phenomenal job following directions, balancing their checkbooks, using their debit cards and performing their duties throughout the day.  We could not have had a more rewarding experience and greatly appreciate the help of the parents and the JA BizTown Staff.  Gorrie cannot wait to visit BizTown again! Bring on MINI MALL!

-Ms. Ferguson

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Biztown Interviews

For weeks, our class has been prepping for the much-anticipated trip to JA BizTown happening this Friday, March 6th. “JA BizTown is a program to help young people understand work readiness, entrepreneurship, and personal financial literacy”(BizTown Guide).  Students have been working through daily lessons to learn about the circular flow of economy, balancing checkbooks, savings and checking accounts, and how to apply for their first job.  Over the course of the past few weeks, the students completed a job application and applied to the businesses our class has been assigned.  Students went on mock interviews with staff from various grade levels in our school.  Between Mr. Catania, myself, and the notes from the teachers who interviewed our students, we were successfully able to place all of our students into their best role at one of the businesses.  We are extremely proud of the hard work that our students have been putting forward thus far, and we hope they will work just as hard on the trip this Friday.  Enjoy some pictures of our students who came in their business attire for their interview.
- Ms. Ferguson 

United Skates Field Trip


We recently took a class field trip to United Skates of America.  While there was time allotted for the students to show off their skating skills, the primary focus of the trip was to develop skills needed when taking the math and science tests this April.  With direction from the United Skates Staff, students worked in groups to both take apart and put back together a roller skate.  After putting their skates back together, the students raced their skates across the rink, only to learn that some classmates had put their nuts on a little too tight.  The groups had to problem solve and fix their skate before they had a second opportunity to push their skate across the floor.  Students also worked on mathematical equations using force and motion.  Students’ creative sides came out when they were given the chance to create their own skate.  Girls drew cats and had sparkles on theirs, when the boys were more into adding speed with fire behind their skates.

Following the lessons the students got a chance to show off their skating skills in a free skate while also enjoying pizza and a drink with their classmates.  At the end of the day, the staff of United Skates held a sock race in which all students were able to participate.  It was extremely fun for all of our class to cheer each other on.  A big thanks to the wonderful chaperones and to United Skates of America for a wonderful day!
- Ms. Ferguson