Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Cake Walk 2013


As many of you know, the Cake Walk is one of the main fundraisers 5th Grade uses to help offset the cost of our end of the year Universal Field Trip. Therefore, it is REALLY crucial for us to have tons of support in making the Cake Walk a success. This year, Lauren Greer (mother of Antonio in Ms. Stetekluh's Class), has graciously volunteered to take on the task of organizing an AMAZING Cake Walk at the Fall Carnival on Friday, October 25th here at Gorrie. Below, you will find a link that you can access to sign up to either donate food items or supplies, help organize and set up the day of the event, or work and clean up during and after the event. We are looking for the following items from each class:

  • 12 cakes from each class for the Cake Walk; 
  • 6 donations of baked goods from each class (each consisting of 12 individually-wrapped, baked items) for Bake Sale;  
  • 5 people per class to help with operations of the Cake Walk and Bake Sale; volunteer DJ to operate the music player
  • Plus donations of Rope and 2 Five-Gallon Buckets

Here is the link to sign up:
  • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuACGRSJE9YedFFJSkFBUjczY0VPQ2FPQUFSeFZZZnc&usp=sharing

  • If you have any questions, please contact our Cake Walk coordinator, Lauren Greer at lauren529@yahoo.com
We look forward to a successful Cake Walk this year!

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