Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Philly Trip 2013

Parents - 

The 5th grade teachers are pleased to announce that we will be doing another student trip this year!  Last year, we took students over the summer to Washington DC, Jamestown and Williamsburg and had a fabulous time.  This year, we will be taking students to Philadelphia, Valley Forge and Amish Country.  We will leave right after school lets out on either June 8th or June 9th and return on either June 12th or June 13th.  

Please know that this trip is NOT a Hillsborough County sanctioned field trip.  The trip is completely separate from school - it just so happens that our 5th grade teachers want to chaperone a trip with our students.

If you would like more information about the trip, there will be a parent meeting Tuesday, September 25th at 6 pm next door at the Horizon Bay Retirement Community.  We had a terrific time last year with our students and are looking forward to another wonderful trip again this summer!  We hope to see many of you there!  

Please let me know if you plan on attending so we know how many seats to set up. 

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