Thursday, September 29, 2011

Expect Some Changes...

As many of you know, I am currently taking classes to receive my Master's of Education from The University of Tampa. As part of my studies, I am going to be journaling my successes and struggles as I ATTEMPT to integrate more and more technology into my batch of resources. Most of the work will be done updating and enhancing my blog in a way that makes it more interactive for both parents and students. My hope is that I can find a way to get my students more involved. I hope you will continue to support my blog as I work to improve it throughout the next few months. Keep an eye out for new features and gadgets throughout the site. I enjoy gaining ANY and ALL feedback on what you think works and what is useless (or boring). Thanks for taking a ride on this educational journey with me! I look forward to building my academic toolbox as I work through these next few months.

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