Thursday, August 4, 2011

**Parent Post: Homework Tips**

Parent Post

Homework Tips

Parents often ask how they can help their child(ren) with their homework. Here are some tips:
  • Have a weekly meeting with your child (preferably Sunday). Use a family calendar and the child's planner to set a schedule for the week. Include upcoming test/quizzes/projects, and events such as practices and appointments.
  • Set a timer for your child; have him/her estimate how long each assignment will take and set the timer for that amount of time. Timing each assignment helps to keep the child on task.
  • Review your child's planner EVERY night.
  • If homework is taking more than 1 hour per night, it could be because he/she 's not finishing work in school, finds the concepts too difficult, has difficulty concentrating, or is disorganized. Try to figure out what exactly is the problem.
  • The primary role of a fifth grade parent is to:  be available if he/she needs help, check over their completed work, and provide them with encouragement and support. Your child should be moving towards independence before they move into middle school. This is a big step from last year for most of you, so it will take some time to adjust. 

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