Monday, August 29, 2011

All- American Student

I am so excited to present the work of our first All- American Student for this year! All- American Students are chosen at the end of each week and are only eligible if they meet specific criteria. They must attend school all week on time, turn in all homework and assignments on time, not receive any conduct slips throughout the week and act as a model student for their peers. When chosen at the end of the week, these students earn the privilege of posting their favorite memory of the week on our blog. In return for completing this task, I provide them with a coupon for a variety of different rewards in our class. Below is a memory from our first All- American Student. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Scholastic Books

At Meet Your Teacher, you received a Scholastic Book Order Form. Please help make our classroom library more interesting to students by ordering a book(s) for your own child. For every book you order for your child, I receive points that I can use to get books for our class library. In addition, if we can 
collect $250 in book order by the end of September, we will receive an additional 5,000 bonus points 
(which means we can order a huge amount of books). When I use the points to order books, I will ask the class for their input as to what books to order for our library. Thanks!

Our First Week

We have officially finished our first week of the school year! Over the course of the week, we went through my Classroom Procedure Manual and Behavior Handbook and together, we created our Class Constitution, which all students signed to ensure they understood the rules and procedures in our class. Along the way, the students also participated in activities to get to know each other better and establish a sense of community within our class. We also began instruction in all content areas. Please make sure you visit my "Announcements" tab to view assignments for the week. Also, please be sure to have your child fill out their reading logs, including a parent signature, and turn them in on Monday.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Additional Supplies Needed!

The science teachers have met and have asked their students to please purchase an additional spiral notebook to be used in conjunction with the new National Geographic Textbook Series we have adopted this year in Hillsborough County. Please have this notebook to school NO LATER THAN Thursday, August 25th, for our first day of science instruction. Thank you in advance! I look forward to a great year!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome Back 2011

Hello! Welcome to our class blog! This website it used as a tool to communicate our studies, achievements, homework assignments, important dates, etc. to students, family, and friends. I update this site on a regular basis by posting pictures of what the students are working on and what is going on in our classroom. I look forward to meeting you all at Meet The Teacher this Friday August 19th, 2011 immediately following the Info Fair from 12:30-2:00pm! I have been working hard to get our classroom ready for your arrival! Here are some sneak peek shots of the room thus far. Please collect all of your supplies and bring them to school on our first day. Feel free to look around on our class blog to see what we will be working on this year. See you Friday!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

**Parent Post: Homework Tips**

Parent Post

Homework Tips

Parents often ask how they can help their child(ren) with their homework. Here are some tips:
  • Have a weekly meeting with your child (preferably Sunday). Use a family calendar and the child's planner to set a schedule for the week. Include upcoming test/quizzes/projects, and events such as practices and appointments.
  • Set a timer for your child; have him/her estimate how long each assignment will take and set the timer for that amount of time. Timing each assignment helps to keep the child on task.
  • Review your child's planner EVERY night.
  • If homework is taking more than 1 hour per night, it could be because he/she 's not finishing work in school, finds the concepts too difficult, has difficulty concentrating, or is disorganized. Try to figure out what exactly is the problem.
  • The primary role of a fifth grade parent is to:  be available if he/she needs help, check over their completed work, and provide them with encouragement and support. Your child should be moving towards independence before they move into middle school. This is a big step from last year for most of you, so it will take some time to adjust.