Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cockroach Bay Field Trip

We will be taking our first field trip this Tuesday to Cockroach Bay.  Here are some reminders that are applicable to both students and parents:

*Bus will leave at 915 am and return at 130 pm.  Please have your student wear a Gorrie shirt.
  • DO
  • - Bring sunscreen
  • - Bring insect repellant
  • - Wear old shoes that tie (This is a MUST!)
  • - Wear old clothes you don’t mind getting wet (school rules still apply)
  • - Bring a towel 
  • - Bring a bag lunch that can be thrown away when done
  • - Bring a change of flip flops/sandals in a plastic bag to change into when we get back to the bus

  • DON’T
  • - Suntan oil is not permitted
  • - Backpacks are not permitted
  • - No open toe shoes, aqua socks, flip flops are allowed during the excursion
  • - Any backpack will remain on the bus

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