Friday, December 6, 2013

Migrant Family Gifts

December 2, 2013                                                                     

Dear Gorrie Families,

This season of caring and sharing is an opportunity for us to help other families celebrate the holidays in a special way.  Classes have decided to be responsible for providing another family with items to make their holiday brighter for children who are less fortunate.

When you are out shopping please think of the family our class is helping.
Any gift you purchase should be sent into school wrapped and tagged.    On the tag, please include the child’s name and what is in the package.  This will enable us to avoid any duplication that may occur.  We are concentrating on the children, but small parent gifts would also be appreciated.

Thank you for your support and generosity.  I know that each family will be forever grateful for making the holidays a joy for their children.
The gifts will be picked up early on Friday, December 13th.


Nicholas Catania
5th Grade
Gorrie Elementary

Mr. Catania’s Class Family
#264 – Campos/Hernandez Family

                Age        Gender          Clothing       

Lorena          8             Girl                10                 

Kevin          5             Boy                6                   

Augustin       2             Boy                3                  

Cin                1             Boy                18 Mos