Sunday, March 31, 2013


Mini – Mall Economics Project

A successful business takes a lot of planning and research. Understanding a market, then providing a service or product (on a limited budget) to meet the need of that market are benchmarks for success. This project will give each student a unique opportunity to experience the business world while incorporating math, writing, economics, and cooperative learning.

Due Date
Introduce activity
March 27
Group Members and product submitted to teacher to be approved
April 1
Design a product or service and create a prototype or visual of the product
April 5
Create Budget
April 8
Fill out and turn in Loan Application
April 12
Develop ad campaign (create signs/create & rehearse commercial)
April 15 – April 19
Morning Show Commercial will be taped (be prepared)
April 22 – April 26
Posters due for ad campaign
April 29
Commercials will air on the Morning Show on the week of April 29****
April 29 – May 3
Conduct your business during Mini Mall
May 3
Chart profits/losses and complete evaluation
May 3 – May 10

****Machines are NOT permitted at Mini Mall due to the Hillsborough County Safety Guidelines. This includes: crock pots, fondue machines, popcorn machine, snow cone machine, blender, microwave, etc. Foods needing any of these machines need to be prepared at home ahead of time. Please see your teacher if you are unsure if you can use a machinenotlisted above.

In order to give the students a real life experience, we are allowing each business to borrow an amount, not to exceed $40.00 to berepaid with verification of receipts at the conclusion of the business day. They may borrow from a parent, use their savings, or the 5thgrade fund. Each business will fill outONEloan application and haveONEco-signer (an adult).

We ask that you help keep the expenses to $40.00 to be fair to all students.

The profits that the students make will be donated to the Universal Studios Reward Trip Fund.
In lieu of cash profit payouts, awards will be given out for different categories such as:most creative, most items sold best booth, most profit earned, etc.

Each business will incur “business expenses”. They are as follows:
1.     Rental of booth - $1.00OR $2.00 with electricity
2.     Advertising fee - $1.00 for two12 inch by 18 inchsigns and a commercial on the Morning Show. Signs must be approved by the teacher andcannotbe posted prior to Monday, April 29th. Signscannotbe taped to any painted surface.
3.     10% tax on profit
4.     Materials and supplies – with creativity you can keep this to a minimum

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Homework This Week

Parents - 

Students will be taking the SAT-10 next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.  This is what most teachers refer to as the "NRT" or "Norm-Reference Test."  The difference between the SAT-10 and the FCAT is that the FCAT compares 5th grade students amongst each other in the state of Florida while the SAT-10 compares 5th graders across the nation.    
  • Many of you might remember that the students took this NRT assessment AFTER we finished FCAT during the 2 week testing window in April.  However, THIS YEAR, the students are taking the NRT assessment early which means our 2 week testing window in April will be much shorter.

  • The SAT-10 is NOT used for placement next year in middle school or benchmark achievement - FCAT is used for both of them.  
  • During testing, please remember:
  • - that students should receive plenty of sleep the night before the assessment.
  • - that students should eat a hearty breakfast to fuel them up for the assesment.
  • - that students will not have homework other than to read nightly.
- that students need to arrive ON TIME each day because we will begin testing promptly after we take attendance.  If a student is tardy and we have already begun testing, they will get pulled out later in the week for MAKEUP testing.  

Since testing will be going on this week, students will NOT have Word Study Homework or Math Homework. Instead, we are asking that students read nightly (as always) and also visit and practice their reading, math and science skills for 30 minutes a night. Students should have their usernames/passwords with them. 

As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!  Have a terrific week!