Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Universal Field Trip

A few reminders and announcements in regards to the field trip to Universal next week:

  • Students should be at school by 7:15am out in front of school. 
  • Students and chaperones will check in with Mrs. Wilson, as I will be meeting up with the bus in Orlando upon arrival to the park.
  • Chaperones will receive a list of contact info for all other chaperones in our class and my cell number.
  • Students should wear their BLUE 5th GRADE T-Shirt if they have one (if not, try to wear blue if possible).
  • Students will be provided with a meal voucher for lunch and a drink, however, extra spending money for water and other beverages to stay hydrated is HIGHLY recommended.
  • Please NO electronics or valuables should be brought on the trip and students MAY NOT leave bags on the bus while in the park.
  • Hats are allowed, however, be sure your student takes it off while riding on the rollercoasters.
  • Be sure to apply sunscreen prior to dropping your child off (it is going to be very hot and very sunny).
  • Students should not be wandering on their own or riding without being accompanied by an adult from Gorrie.

We should be arriving back at school around 5:00-5:30 Monday evening.  So, for those of you who are unable to chaperone, please make sure you or someone will be at Gorrie to pick up your child by then.

Thank you very much for all that you do!
We look forward to a WONDERFUL day at Universal!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Student led Conference Night

Below is the link for our Student-Led Conference Night. Please be sure to sign up for a time slot that works for you. If there are no slots that fit in your schedule, please shoot me an email and we can schedule a better time. The students are ALL excited to conference with you, so please be sure to sign up for a time slot. Thanks!

Student- Led Conference Sign Up