Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Gorrie Talent Show

The 2nd Annual Gorrie Talent Show is upon us. We will be auditioning in class and voting on the two best acts by May 18th. Please start talking to your students about what they would like to do. They can audition on their own or in PAIRS only. Some ideas for type of talent would be singing, dancing, acting, comedy, etc. Good luck! More info to come...

Friday, April 13, 2012


Parents -
We will be testing the following days for FCAT:
Monday, April 16 - Reading - 70 minutes
Tuesday, April 17 - Reading - 70 minutes
Wednesday, April 18 - Math - 70 minutes
Thursday, April 19 - Math - 70 minutes
Monday, April 23 - Science - 80 minutes
Tuesday, April 24 - Science - 80 minutes
Thursday, April 26 - NRT Math and Reading - 120 minutes
****We will be starting by 830 am each morning.  
1.  Please ensure that your students are here no later than 800 am so that we can get them unpacked, focused and ready to begin testing.  If you have to sign them out, I would wait until after 10 am each testing day to sign them out to ensure we are done testing.  If you come during the testing time, the class will not be disturbed for them to be removed from the class.
2.  Please make sure they get plenty of rest each night.  We will have no HW for the next two weeks (other than to read nightly), so they shouldn't be up late working on school work.
3.  Please make sure they receive a healthy breakfast each morning to ensure they remain focused during the tests.
Thank you for your help!  Our kids are ready!  Have a relaxing weekend!