Friday, May 27, 2011

Art Projects

Here are shots of some of our students' projects they created in art class this year.

Tampa Yankee Field Trip

Thursday, May 26, 2011

More Pictures!!!

Student- Led Conferences 

It's Been A While...

With all of the craziness of the end of the year, I have been so busy with no time to update my posts. My apologies....Here's what we've been up to 
Mini Mall 2011

Mother's Day Gift
Working on our Mother's Day gift

One more coat of paint is all it needs, buddy!

Look at that concentration!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Mini-Mall was today and boy was it a HUGE success. The students came early, ready to work and rocked the house. They were organized, professional and SOLD THEIR PRODUCTS! It was a very successful day and it went really well. I was very impressed at how well the students worked together and how well they pitched their products to the eager customers that were shopping. Great job today!