Thursday, December 2, 2010

What We've Been Up To

Here are some shots of our students in action!

Table 2 working on their history notes.

The boys "digging up" some artifacts.

AJ and McGuire reading through the text.

Erika and Kaitlyn filling in their notes.

Brogan and Allison working hard to get their job done.

The girls working together to figure out what's missing.

Playing some Halloween Bingo!

"Call B12!!!"

Got it!

Welcome to the First Annual Gorrie Walk- A- Thon!

Gorrie Walk-A-Thon 2010!

Lap # 1

The poster our Little Buddies made for us!

"What lap are we on?" 

Out of the park!

She shoots...........

"Go LONNNNNG!"- Brogan

Jackson, Caroline and Thomas waiting for their turn at the football booth.

Say CHEESE Allison!

Curry giving it all he's got!

Nice smile, Crista!

Nice throw Erika!

Michelle and Rheanna at the Walk- A- Thon

Our Class of 2010-2011

Great job RJ!

Playing some Four Square, our favorite game to play during recess.

Who's in the A square?

What a shot Rheanna!

Crista and Allison singing at the Veteran's Day Program.

William and Michelle discussing the sequence of events.

Erika and Selina working hard to support their answer.

McGuire concentrating on his answer.

The boys working together to get the job done! 
Table one working as a team to complete the activity.

You're on the right track boys!

Review Jeopardy for our History Test

Francisco Coronado....CORRECT?

Our own Alex Trebek!